Our parish lives out the love and mission of God with one another and all our neighbors in countless ways. You are invited to get involved in whatever manner speaks to you particularly. There are opportunities for all ages and abilities. Listed in this section are some of the ministries and groups that make up our common life. We hope this will give you a sense of the diversity of our parish life.

We enjoy gathering for fun, laughter, and the chance to get to know one another. Every Sunday after church we look forward to Coffee Hour, when we have the opportunity to "chat and chew" in the informal environment of our historic Parish Hall. We also have potluck suppers, picnics, and other activities which bring us together and allow us to deepen our relationships.

Music is a very important part of who we are. Both our talented choir and our superb organist assist us in reaching a connection with God that goes beyond words. Through music, we are able to express our love for God with our whole being. Our volunteer choir welcomes new members anytime.

We are honored to have young people who contribute significantly to the life of our parish. Our church school is a growing, vibrant part of our faith community. The children are enthusiastic about coming each week and engage in the lesson with imagination and energy. Encountering Jesus and one another gently draws them into their own journey of faith. When they come into church at the Peace, they are equally at home, sharing their impressions of the morning lesson with the congregation before joining their family.

We are committed to living out our faith by participating with Christ in the work of compassion and justice. The gospel imperative to love our neighbors is at the heart of all we do. Through our efforts locally, statewide, and internationally, we are following God’s call to, “seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being.” There are many ways that you can get involved through Christ Church.
There are a wide variety of opportunities to get involved in the liturgical and administrative leadership of our parish. Reading a bible lesson in worship, serving on the Altar Guild, being on Vestry, and helping with small chores on building maintenance are just a very few examples of the many ways you can get involved. There is something for everyone.

Perhaps you've been to the Haddam Neck Fair and tasted one of the warm, delicious cookies from our ever-popular Cookie Booth. Or maybe you've driven by and seen our signs for either our Tag Sale or our Autumn Leaves Fair. All of these events draw in people from around our area, and we enjoy getting to know some of our “regulars” from year to year. Being part of any of these neighborhood activities is lots of fun and is also a great way to get to know other parishioners.
Would you like to join one of our ministries? Give us a call today to join the many worshippers who are already calling Christ Episcopal Church home.